Corinne’s passion is the evolution of human consciousness, not only within herself but collectively. At a young age she found herself seeing outside of the established norms, which greatly influenced her perception of life. Along her path she has been guided by extraordinary insights that have lead her to explore Eastern philosophy, energy work, lucid dreaming, non-ordinary states of consciousness, belief repatterining, mysticism, ufology, exopolitics, remote viewing, channelling and the ascension process to name a few. She sees life as an intriguing journey of continuous expansion, while being in service to others who also feel this calling.
Corinne is formally trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Conscious Breathwork Facilitator and has a Bachelor of Education. Her private practice is The Inner Realms where she works one-on-one with those who are called to deepen in their self-awareness to reunite with the remembrance of who they are, as well as offering workshops in this fascinating field. Corinne also works closely with Kylee Dawn at Inner Journeys hosting inspiring and heartwarming classes, events and festivals.
Corinne lives in Calgary, AB in a sweet house with her raspberries in the summer and cross country skis in the winter when the snow is abundant. Connect with Corinne using the links above.
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2017 Inner Journeys Facilitator Training
It is an honour to announce our 2017 Inner Journeys Ecstatic Dance Facilitator Training. This is an inspiring six month...